VIPER Academy

Viper Academy Logo

The Viper Academy at Lake Buena Vista HS is an elite academic school within a school concept.  The academy is designed to target our best and brightest and place them in a rigorous curriculum to make them as competitive as possible for their post-secondary choices.  Members of the academy participate in college/university field trips, get invited to special guest speaker events, and receive recognition through their Viper Academy swag.  Those who complete the academy on the AICE track will earn Bright Future's Diploma without needing the qualifying SAT/ACT score and GPA.  Those completing the AP Track earn valuable college credit and have opportunities to earn College Board awards.

Viper Academy Tracks

*9th-grade students who want to be considered for the Viper Academy in 10th grade must take and pass both the AP Human Geography test and the AICE English General Paper exam.

**Must follow the correct math progression

Contact: [email protected] for more information

